Friday, April 24, 2015
4:45 pm Check in for student competitors for a tour of the Morrison Bridge, including its bascule pit with Sharon Wood Wortman
Because of group size limitations, only students will be allowed on this tour.
Meet at the Salmon Springs check-in (the same as for the Portland Spirit Cruise). Students must have a signed permission slip in order to attend this tour.
Download Permission Slip6:30 pm Boarding Portland Spirit for Dinner Cruise
Meet at the Salmon Springs check-in. All students and one chaperone each have pre-paid tickets for the cruise. The cost for additional guests is $45/per person. Please bring checks, payable to Riverdale High School, for additional guests. If you included guest names on your registration form, we have pre-registered those people and you need only to pay the evening of the cruise.
7:00 –
9:00 pm
Dinner Cruise and Tour of Portland Bridges — Tour and Lecture by Sharon Wood Wortman, author of The Portland Bridge Book
Saturday, April 25, 2015
All events in the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) Auditorium. There is a parking fee at OMSI.
8:30 –
9:30 am
Check-in for Bridge Competition
9:30 am Architectural Judging
10:00 am –
1:00 pm
Testing of Bridges
1:30 pm Lunch and Awards
All students and one chaperone each have pre-paid tickets for the Awards Lunch. The cost for additional guests is $15/per person. Please bring checks, payable to Riverdale High School, for additional guests. If you included guest names on your registration form, we have pre-registered those people and you need only to pay the day of the competition. (You can pay for both dinner and lunch together if you want.)